SvO Fine Arts specialises in valuing works of art, precious stones and high end jewellery
Our clients are several:
Private individuals who wish to establish an accurate and fair valuation of their belongings. For those clients with specific needs SvO Fine Arts can in fact act as a true Family Office totally dedicated to an individual's or a family's artistic estate. We provide our services to our clients in multiple ways, from managing an inheritance, clearing whole appartments or houses, acquiring and disposing of art items, managing losses when they occur and organising successions on an independent and fair basis. And of course we provide our clients with up to date valuations of their artistic estate at any time and as frequently as they desire.
Insurance companies consult with SvO Fine Arts to evaluate a pre-risk situation or intervene following a loss. SvO Fine Arts will liaise with the Insured, providing the Insurer accurate and timely reports, up to settlement of the claim following a loss. This ensures a fair treatment of the customer and a correct execution of the initial contract.
Corporations, associations and clubs investing in works of Art, acting as art sponsors or in the course of their normal activity who may find themselves as custodians of important art collections that need proper valuation, not least for accurate financial reporting.
Law firms or attorneys, who, in order to ensure the proper conduct of their duties ask SvO Fine Arts to provide appraisals or manage the disposal of an estate in accordance with their clients needs.
Private Banking firms or Family Offices, whose scope of activity is usually limited to managing financial assets and real estate, all too often leaving aside works of art, thereby ignoring up to a third of their client's wealth and losing the opportunity to reduce portfolio risk through greater diversification.